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Gula / Sugar

Produksi Gula Nasional


Indonesia masih akan mengimpor gula 1,3 juta ton tahun ini, dengan kenyataan produksi nasional 1,75 - 1,8 juta ton sedangkan kebutuhan gula  nasional mencapai 3 juta ton. Rata-rata penduduk Indonesia mengkonsumsi 14 kg gula/kapita/tahun. Kecilnya kenaikan produksi nasional banyak disebabkan oleh curah hujan yang tinggi selama bulan Mei - Juni dan rendeman turun hanya 7,28 %. Harga gula di pasaran internasional US$ 280 / ton FOB. Harga gula impor teoritis Rp 4.100 / kg (bea masuk 10 %, PPN 10 %, PPh 2,5 %, transportasi 30 US$ / ton), sedangkan harga gula di pasar lokal berkisar Rp 3.650 - 3.700 / kg.
Indonesia still have to import as much 1.3 million MT of sugar this year as national sugar production estimated in range 1.75 - 1.8 million MT instead of 3.0 million MT as domestic demand. Sugar consumption so far at the level 14 kg/capita/year. Import sugar price in the local market would be about Rp 4.100 / kg by calculation (international price US$ 280 / ton added with 25 % import duty, 10 % added value tax, 2.5 % income tax, transportation cost US$ 30 / ton). Local sugar in the traditional market recently about Rp 3,650 - 3,700 / kg. 

Impor Ilegal Gula Mentah dari Brazil


Gula mentah (raw sugar) sebanyak 96.000 MT didatangkan secara ilegal dari Brazil dalam 8 kapal @ 12.000 MT. Diperkirakan sampai sekitar Agustus lalu, dan biasanya dioplos dengan gula lokal sebelum dilempar ke pasar. Impor ini merugikan pabrikan gula dan petani tebu akibat terpukulnya harga gula lokal. 
As much as 96,000 MT of raw sugar was ilegally imported in 8 shipment from Brazil. The shipment were estimated to be in the country last August, and used to mix with local sugar before entering the domestic market. The action will suffer the sugar manufacturer and farmer a financial loss as local sugar price are striking down.   

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